Tile Redi - The Easy Way to BUILD a Shower

Tile Redi Shower Pan

Converting a Tub to Shower has never been easier 😃

Tile Redi is one of the quickest & easiest ways to build a custom tile shower 🔥🔥

Shower drain comes completely sealed and waterproof 👍

Sealant application is my favorite kind of waterproofing. Fast, simple, & foolproof 😄

Tile Redi Shower Pan Support Ribs

These support ribs provide a great way to embed mortar under pan and fully support the shower pan

Using the Tile Redi Flashing Kit for side splashes is great extra insurance 🌟

Tile Redi Wall Board

Tile Redi Wall Boards are waterproof all the way through, easy to cut & very dense 💥

Mortar bed for Tile Redi shower pan

Simply set shower pan into a bed of mortar (it does take a considerable amount of mortar…. 3 bags for this 32” x 60” shower pan)

Gluing Drain connection for Tile Redi Shower pan
Tile Redi Shower Pan Drain Connection

Using a Vibrating tool to manuever pan into position helps tremedously 👍

Tile Redi Shower Drain Connection
Tile Redi Shower Pan Installation

Seriously the fastest install of any tile shower base pan 👊

Tile Redi Wall Boards have a rabbit joint on 5ft edge of board that provides a great way to seal adjoining boards together 💫

Tile Redi Wall Board Installation
Tile Redi Wall Board Installation

Easy to make custom shower niches with Tile Redi Wall Boards 👍

Tile Redi Sealant is a fast drying poly-sealant that stays elastic 🔥🔥 Simply apply over all screws & seams

Tile Redi Shower Flood Test

Flood test & ready to tile 😃

Enroll in my online course - The Tile Redi Shower Course and get 10% off all tile redi products with discount code 😊

If you are serious about remodeling a bathroom, I highly recommend enrolling in one of my courses 😊 I assure you it will save you time, money and most of all frustration 👊 My goal is to be here for support & help with your bathroom project. Don't get overwhelmed & frustrated. I know these spaces can be complicated....and that's why I've developed these courses. If you sign up for the DIY Geek Membership you will get all of my courses bundled together (and future ones) 🌟 One-time payment, that's it 👊



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